Customer’s Bill of Rights
Amendment I
A company may not require the establishment of any pest control programs or prohibit your right to exercise your best judgment in all matters.
Amendment II
You have the right to keep pesticides in your home and use them according to the label.
Amendment III
No pest control technician will treat your property without your consent and only in a manner as prescribed by the label.
Amendment IV
A customer has the right to be secure in their home against unreasonable pest inspections and Solicitation.
Amendment V
The customer is always right; the customer will not be charged twice for the same service; the customer is entitled to a complete refund if not satisfied.
Amendment VI
The customer has the right to speedy service by a well trained technician; the customer will be informed of the nature of the problem and given our recommendations for the safest most effective method of solving the problem; the customer has the right to a second opinion.
Amendment VII
All customer grievances, where the value of the service exceeds twenty dollars, shall be reviewed by the owner of the company.
Amendment VIII
Excessive or unsafe chemicals will not be used and non-chemical alternatives will always be considered; pests are subject to cruel and unusual treatment.
Amendment IX
No company policies shall conflict or be construed to deny the customer rights outlined herein.
Amendment X
The rights delegated to our customers and not prohibited by fairness and good reason are reserved to the customers.