Pest Control Programs

Residential Pest Control

SNOB Program (Say NO to Bugs)

Say NO to Bugs (SNOB) is a residential program for the control of invasive insects. To be eligible for the SNOB program, the structure you want to protect must be well constructed and well maintained. Given those conditions GSC will apply barrier treatments around your foundation in the spring and in the fall. This entitles you to receive follow up service calls at no charge. Homeowners with an average size (3,000 S.F.) home can enjoy a program that includes no charge follow up service for less than $500 per year. SNOB customers also receive a 20% discount on wasp and bee services.

Barrier treatments are one of the most efficient and effective ways to control invasive insects no matter what age or condition your home may be in. After a barrier treatment a non-SNOB customer is eligible to receive a follow up service within 30 days from the treatment date at no cost.

Monthly Yard Treatments

Automated monthly yard treatments can take the hassle out of scheduling your mosquito and tick control. Treatments scheduled every 3-4 weeks will affectively control the daytime nuisance of mosquitoes even in high activity areas.

Residential Pest Control
Residential Pest Control

Spring and Fall Yard Treatments

For customers more concerned with the control of ticks, treatments are automatically scheduled for early spring and fall.

Winter Flex Rodent Control Programs

Rodent activity typically fluctuates with the seasons, which is why we offer rodent services that flex with them. Rodents move indoors seeking food and shelter during the months of September through March. This is when you want to make sure your rodent program is set up and ready to meet them. The level of protection required will vary by structure and the surrounding environment. GSC offers multiple levels of protection, so you don’t have to pay for unneeded services.

  • Winter Monthly Program (7 services a year)
  • Winter Bi-Monthly Program (4 services a year)
  • Winter Quarterly Program (3 services a year)
Residential Pest Control
Residential Pest Control

Commercial Pest Management Programs

We understand the importance of maintaining a safe living and working environment for you, your residents, and your employees. Every commercial pest control program is specially designed to fit the needs and requirements of your specific industry. Our flexible service intervals ensure you don’t overpay for pest services that you don’t need.

We offer commercial programs for industrial warehouses, elderly living facilities, medical facilities, apartment complexes, and more.

Residential Environment Management Program

The REM program is an extension of the integrated pest management strategy to prevent and control pest activity by attacking the underlying causes that contribute to an infestation both inside and outside of your home. If the underlying causes of a pest infestation are not corrected there is a good likelihood the problem will reoccur. The REM program focuses on physical habitat alterations by reducing or eliminating pest harborage areas, or areas that may be conducive to a pest infestation. By reducing or eliminating these areas around your home, we hope to lessen the use and need of pesticide applications for the control of pests. REM Programs are scheduled from November until March.

Such services would include:


  • Brush hogging
  • Clutter removal
  • Trim/remove shrubbery
  • Exclusion
  • Crushed stone borders


  • Insulation removal
  • Clutter removal
  • HEPA vacuuming
  • Cleaning & Sanitation
  • Weather seal replacement
Residential Pest Control

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